Newsletters & Articles

Winter 2023

Winter 2023

 SECURE 2.0 is a GO!  Is it already time to complete another year-end data request? Stay tuned! Secure 2.0 Act of 2022 includes some...

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Fall 2022

Fall 2022

Save even more for retirement in 2023 due to record breaking increases in limits. On October 21, 2022, the IRS announced the Cost of Living Adjustments (COLAs) affecting the dollar limitations for retirement plans for 2023.

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Summer 2021

Summer 2021

Most plan sponsors can relate to the trials and tribulations of having missing participants in their retirement plan. At times, it may feel like you are on the losing end of an intense game of hide-and-seek. Your opponents, the missing participants, may not have intended to pick the best hiding spots, but in many cases, they have surely succeeded.

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Spring 2021

Spring 2021

Some would say that retirement plan administration is a team sport! Putting together technical and compliance competence with ongoing investment and fiduciary expertise is key to keeping your plan healthy and participants happy. So, what roles and responsibilities should you look to fill for your firm to have a successful and compliant plan?

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Winter 2021

Winter 2021

When we talk about retirement plans, many employers think of single employer retirement plans. A single employer retirement plan is simply a plan sponsored by one employer (or a related group of employers) for the benefit of its employees.

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 Aiming your retirement for success!